Recipe: Chocolate cherry ice cream


We love this dessert! Great with banana or berries instead of cherries too.

Serves 2

1/2 cup vanilla soy, hemp, or almond milk
1 tablespoon natural cocoa powder
4 dates, pitted
1 1/2 cups dark sweet frozen cherries
[We added 1/2 cup of ice for extra creamy goodness]

Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender until smooth and creamy. If using a regular blender, add only half the cherries and blend until smooth, then add the remaining cherries and continue to blend.

Variation: Use berries or banana instead of cherries. Freeze ripe bananas at least 24 hours in advance. To freeze, peel, cut into thirds, and wrap tightly in plastic wrap.

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Love sharing and exploring interesting food.. Especially plant based dishes. Traveling, movies, audio books, exploring outdoors with friends and family all fill my heart with joy and peace.

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