Nectar of the Gods – best vegan sweetener around

Klint stumbled upon this recipe while looking for different vegan recipes on YouTube. We always recommend Nectar of the Gods sweetener because it’s such a helpful ingredient to have on hand for vegan dishes.

Yield about 2.5-3 cups


20-25 medjool dates, pitted
11 ounces pure coconut water


In a small-medium size bowl, soak dates uncovered in coconut water for at least 4 hours and up to over night. This will soften the dates to make the best creamy consistency. Coconut water should mostly cover the dates, but don’t worry if some of the water is absorbed and a few of the dates are at the top and uncovered. Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender. refrigerate in air tight container. Because we eat it so quickly, not sure how long this will last in the fridge… probably up to 2 weeks. But if you’re not using it within two weeks, that tells me you aren’t experimenting with other recipes. Try my vegan cookie recipes for a great way to use the NOTG.


We buy our medjool dates at Costco in the produce section. We also buy coconut water at Costco – it’s the Vita Coco brand that comes with individual sized servings that are the perfect amount for making one batch of NOTG.