Recipe: Smoothie in my Blendtec

16463945_1850975268517089_2843770955614912512_nBlendtec and blender bottle… Thank you for being in my life and helping me to be healthy!

Today’s recipe:
1 banana
1 cup frozen peach slices
1/2 cup blueberries
2 kale stalks
1 cup apple juice
1 cup water
1 cup ice

Blend until smooth… Then start your day off right!

Recipe: Power Kale Salad and Lentil Soup

Power Kale Salad and Lentil Soup for lunch!
kale salad and lentil soup
I’m pretty sure my body has a calcium deficiency right now because I keep waking up in the middle of the night with charlie horses in my calves. So I am adding the plant based calcium today with a big kale salad.
Salad Ingredients:
1 big leaf of Kale, ripped into little pieces
4 leaves of Romaine, ripped into bite-size pieces
1/2 avocado, cubed
1 cup #blueberries
2 tablespoons raw unsalted sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons walnut pieces
1 tablespoon olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Wash kale and lettuce thoroughly, towel dry lightly. Using large salad bowl, toss with OO and balsamic vinegar. Then add all the other ingredients. Mix and enjoy the textures and tastes of a nutrient rich salad!

Blueberry banana walnut ice cream

yogurtWe saw a gal on Dr. Oz’s show who lost a lot of weight (like ~200#… holy cow that’s amazing!) eating the “Eat To Live” way. She had a major sweet tooth, so found that she still craved sweets. She created this adaptation of Dr. Fuhrman’s Banana Walnut Ice Cream, by adding some blueberries. Delish!

Serves 1


1 frozen banana
2 tablespoons walnut
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup almond milk


Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender, serve immediately. Can be doubled. (Note: I like to put in the freezer and eat when it’s even more firm. Really feels like you’re eating ice cream!)

Recipe: Chocolate peanut butter green smoothie

chocolate smoothieThis smoothie is almost like eating a peanut butter cup, but it’s actually good for you!

Serves 2 (28 ounce servings)

2 cups frozen blueberries
3 medjool dates, pitted
1 banana
1 cup soy milk
1 tablespoon flax meal
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
5 ounces spinach
2 large stalks of Swiss chard
10 pieces of ice

Blend together in high powered blender and enjoy immediately. Or freeze and enjoy another day when needed (betcha can’t wait that long though!).